Posted tagged ‘kathy sawada’

Another reason you shouldn’t vote for Obama… (Updated 10/08/08)

October 1, 2008

Because this is just so disturbing…

(This is a copy of the original video posted by Kathy Sawada, the musical director. The video she uploaded is still blocked to anyone not on her friends list, as you can see here.)

This video was featured on Little Green Footballs and other sites yesterday, managing to draw enough attention that it was featured on’s You Decide. The decision was between cute or creepy. I don’t think there’s really much of a decision to be made there. After many comments on the video made on YouTube drew reasonable comparisons to Hitler’s Youth and communist indoctrination, the ability to post comments was disabled. Following that, the contact page on the web site was removed as well.

I guess the video didn’t get the heartwarming attention they had anticipated. And it definitely shouldn’t have. The thought of parents dressing their children up in Obama clothes and getting them to sing Obama worship songs when they are too young to even understand what they are supporting just turns my stomach. Actually, no matter who the politician is, how old the people singing are, or how well the singers understand politics… if you’re singing songs about how a politician is going to save the world, you have a problem. But the fact that these are brainwashed children being made to serve the interests of the Democratic Party just makes this all the more sickening. Apparently enough people felt the same way because the people responsible for the video were so overwhelmed by the negative reaction to this video that they began to do whatever they could to prevent people from leveling further criticisms at them (at least directly).

Another interesting thing to know about this video is that the director is Jeff Zucker, CEO of NBC. The credits page that originally showed this at is also gone now. That’s probably because it also listed the names of the parents and children involved and they didn’t want to embarrass them anymore than was necessary, as the video did a fine enough job of that. However, the “About Us” page is still available and credits Jeff Zucker with involvement.

Update (10/03/08): Today I noticed that the video was no longer available. I checked the YouTube page for it, and a message was displayed saying the video was private. Apparently, this video has been such an embarrassment for her that she has blocked access to it. Not only that, but when I went to a link to another copy of the video I had previously seen on YouTube, I received this message: “This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Kathy Sawada.” You can see that for yourself here. In addition, the web site has been taken down completely.

There are other copies of this video available on YouTube, but since this has become a copyright issue, I’m going to respect that and not post one. This is typical of the left, though. If you do something that embarrasses you or backfires on you, pretend it never happened and get rid of any evidence that it ever did. As far as Kathy Sawada is concerned, if we don’t have a video to show to those who know nothing about this, we have no proof that it ever happened.

Update again (10/03/08): I just noticed something. The link that I provided showing a video that was removed at the request of Kathy Sawada due to copyright claims was not an exact copy of her video. It was a video response that someone posted on her video page called “Sing for Change Obama Part II.” I can’t remember at this point if that was a video that used the actual video feed from hers with Nazi or Communist music dubbed over it or if it was just a video of Nazis or Communists singing. Either way, she apparently had it removed on the basis that it either used her video or simply the title of it.

So I do not seen any evidence that she is having exact copies of her video removed for copyright infringement. That means that there is nothing to support my claim that she is trying to keep anyone from seeing the video. Don’t you wish you got that kind of honesty from Washington? You’re definitely not going to get it if Obama wins.

Anyway…it is clear that she is still doing what she can to silence the criticism of her video. I’ll watch to see if any copies of her video get removed from YouTube and update again if something happens.

Update (10/08/08): As you can see, I decided to post a working copy of the Sing For Change video.  I kept an eye on four different copies of it over the past few days, and none of them have been removed.  It would seem that Kathy Sawada is not seeking to make a copyright claim on exact copies of her video.  The only video that I’ve seen removed for copyright reasons so far was the spoof that I mentioned previously in this post.  I guess she was just being spiteful with that one, as it was posted as a video response directly on her page.  Now you can once again be repulsed by this horrifying video!